Guidelines & Etiquette
When you visit Acoma
Visitor Etiquette
Pueblo of Acoma tours are privileges granted by the Acoma Tribal Council. Therefore, your cooperation is requested in adhering to all laws, rules and regulations of the Pueblo. When traveling on Pueblo lands, stay on the highway as off-road sightseeing, camping and rock climbing are strictly prohibited.
You must register for a guided tour in order to visit the Pueblo. Please stay with your tour guide at all times and do not wander off the designated tour route. Please restrain your children at all times. No pets or smoking allowed on tour.
Always stay on the path when descending on foot from the mesa top. During feast days, please stay clear of the dancers, as they symbolize a special honor for the occasion.
Photography Guidelines
Permits for cameras must be purchased at the Sky City Cultural Center prior to photographing on the Acoma lands. No photography is allowed inside the Church, within the cemetery courtyard, and during feast days. Permission must be obtained prior to photographing tribal members or their artwork.
Use of tripods, go pros, video cameras, digital video cameras, binoculars and audio recording devices is prohibited. Commercial use of a photograph depicting Acoma imagery for personal gain (profit) is prohibited.
Dress Code
We encourage you to dress comfortably and appropriately for the certain weather elements throughout the year. Due to the nature of the cultural sensitivity on the Acoma Reservation, especially on the village mesa top, we ask that no revealing clothing be worn. (short shorts, short skirts, halter tops, tube tops, spaghetti strap tanks, and tank tops etc.). If we believe that your clothing is inappropriate we will respectfully ask you to cover up accordingly. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation by abiding to the Dress Code while visiting our historical and sacred site.
Etiquette PDF's (Downloadable)